School Strategic Planning - How To Ensure Success

Strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future.Great Organizations have Great PlansIn simplest terms, an organization undertakes strategic planning to reaffirm or modify its mission – why it exists, what its purpose is, what it now does – and to agree on its vision – what it wants to be and do in the coming years. The purpose is not to decide what should be done in the future but to decide what should be done now to make desired things happen in

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What Have You Planned For The Coming School Year?

"No wind is favorable if we do not know into which port we are trying to sail" -Rev. Dale Turner    I hope you've had a fantastic summer break and were able to spend time with your family and recharge your batteries. September is always an exciting time of the school year, and this September should be no different with the challenges and opportunities that lay before you. I read a funny quote the other day about summer breaks and planning. The author commented that most people spend more time planning next summer's vacation than they do planning the rest of their lives. I know that'

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