
This website is provided to you for your information and discussion only. It is not a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any real property, security, or other financial instruments. Any information, including facts, opinions, or quotations, may be condensed or summarized and is expressed as of the date of writing. The information may change without notice, and Halladay Education Group Inc. ("HEG") is under no obligation to ensure that such updates are brought to your attention. This website has been prepared from sources HEG believes to be reliable, but we do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness and does not accept liability for any loss arising from its use. HEG reserves the right to remedy any errors that may be present on this website.

So that we can provide you with the most efficient and enhanced service, we request information about you. We collect personally identifiable information such as names, email addresses and demographic information. This information is collected both during registration on a site or in response to specific requests, for example when signing up for a newsletter, downloading a special report, or more information about HEG’s services. Sometimes we will give you the opportunity to opt in to offers from third parties not affiliated with HEG. If you decide to accept these offers, we will provide, with your consent, your information to the third party. However, you should note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to information users consent to give to third parties not affiliated with HEG. Any information users give to another party is governed by the rules of that party's privacy policy, which may differ from this Privacy Policy. About is not responsible for information given to other parties. Please review their privacy policies prior to providing any information to third parties.”


If there are any questions regarding this disclaimer policy you may contact us using the information below.


Email: info@halladayeducationgroup.com

Phone: 1-800-687-1492


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