Market + Constituency Surveys

Market & Constituency Surveys For Private Schools & Non-Profits

We Take the "Guesswork" Out of What Students and Parents Find Beneficial or Lacking in Your School by Using Our Survey

While the well being of a private school is ultimately the responsibility of the Board of Governors, there are a variety of stakeholder groups who are interested in and share in the day-to-day well-being of your school, including: parents, alumni/ae, staff, faculty, and community members who understand the school's educational and economic importance.

Whether in anticipation of a major fundraising campaign, a strategic plan , or to improve the school's connection with its constituency, an independent and professionally conducted survey can serve a most valuable purpose.

HEG’s Survey can reveal to you the reason for families' decisions in areas that impacting your enrollment, donations, and perceptions on school operations and management. We find that families are more willing to share their perceptions more openly to a third-party than someone at your school. A school's view of itself and how it is doing in serving its community can be very different from how the marketplace views the school. HEG’s surveys can offer critical insight into what your constituency sees as your school’s strengths, areas for improvement, and priorities for your school, allowing you greater understanding of your market's needs and wants.

Types Of Surveys

We customize our surveys to reveal what you need to know. Provided below is an overview of our survey options.

1). Current Student and Parent Survey: Reveal significant attitudes and perceptions from this constituent group to help your strategic planning and marketing strategies. You can use it as an Exit Survey to determine reasons a student/family decided to leave your school prior to graduation so you can identify trends and concerns, and address them.

2). Alumni/ae Survey: Gather feedback from your graduates on the education and opportunities provided by your school, and the perceived value versus tuition cost. This is invaluable for your fund raising campaigns.

3). Faculty/Administration Survey: Employee morale has enormous influence on your school’s working climate and ultimately the educational quality your programs. The survey examines your staff's current level of satisfaction with their compensation and benefits package.

4). Board of Governors Survey: Your trustees are provided a confidential Online Board Self-Assessment Survey that analyzes critical governance issues. The in-depth survey-questionnaire identifies the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats to the boards’ performance. The survey assesses and fine tunes your Board’s performance by identifying critical issues hindering performance. You receive an exhaustive 360° online Board Performance Self-Assessment Survey based on years of research that assesses your board’s performance versus established pillars of exceptional boards. You receive a profile of your board’s performance based on candid, confidential responses to the survey, which in turn provides guidance in fine-tuning the board’s role and performance. This will help your board function better and contribute to your organization’s improved performance and its mission. Allow board members to candidly discuss and reach consensus on important issues surrounding governance and lay the groundwork for improvement in board performance. You receive a “Summative Board Performance Report,” providing a comprehensive overview of the board’s survey results.

5). Head Of School Evaluation Survey: Effective Boards recognize that they need to evaluate the Head of School on annually. This confidential survey lets board members evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Head of School in meeting his or her annual goals, and in performance of day-to-day work such as program management, fund raising, and Board-Head relations. The Head of School Assessment Survey evaluates a Head’s performance against twelve key competencies. The approach utilizes a 360 degree process to rate the performance by people who know something about the Head and their work. The Head completes their own self-assessment that is compared against feedback from the Board and colleagues, including direct reports, administration, staff, parents, or other stakeholders, in fact anybody whose opinion you seek and who is familiar with the Head’s work can be included in the feedback process. This multi-source approach can provide real insight into how different groups perceived the level of performance for the Head. The final report provides a statistical breakdown of the Head’s performance from their own perceptions to those around them. The 360 feedback report is in straightforward, easy to understand sections.

Our objective, third-party approach ensures that you get the highest response rate possible for your survey since respondent anonymity is ensured. All of the surveys are completed online to gather the most comprehensive, real-time data. The surveys are conducted in a professional manner, designed to put your community at ease and encourage give maximum feedback. After analyzing the survey responses, we give you a comprehensive report on the findings and offer advice.

Our reports include:
  • Data Summary: charts, tables, and graphs of the data that can be used as your working document for decision-making
  • Data Supplement: a complete list of responses to the questions asked
  • Data Analysis: a written report of our recommendations on the key issues facing your school
Benefit to You

Our solid background with private schools and their management enables HEG to identify strengths and pinpoint weakness, and share trends with you. Each of our surveys provides confidentially gathered data and a detailed analysis in a written report that guides you in your school’s decision-making.

Next Step

If you are interested in our private school survey services and would like to receive written material about HEG, or would like to discuss your particular needs, please contact HEG directly to find out more about our services. You can set this up by sending an email to or calling directly at +1-800-687-1492. We invite you to continue browsing our web site.

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